
   You have this habit.of letting everyone into the house. 你有个习惯 随便是谁都让他们进屋

  But he's a friend, uh?Um, I think you got angry about it.  - Why? What? 但他也算个朋友 对吧 我觉得你要为这事生气了  -为什么 什么事
  Umm, I invited him and his boy for lunch, the day after tomorrow. 我邀请了他和他的儿子后天来吃午饭
  What? - I'll make tamales. You love my tamales, uh? 啥  -我会做辣味肉饼 你喜欢我做的辣味肉饼 对吧
  I don't care. I don't give a shit. That's not the point. 我不在乎 我完全不在乎 这不是重点
  oh Jesus Christ.Wh..what did he say?He said "yes". 我的天呐 他 他答应了吗 他答应了呀
  Good.That was a clip that we can watch.There are so many in the movie that are so hard, 真好 这是我们目前能看的一段剪辑 这部电影里有很多揪心的情节
  because you're in chronic pain.Tell me what the movie is about. 因为你有慢性病 跟我说说这部电影是讲什么的吧
  The movie is about a woman choosing to live in the nutshell. 这部电影讲的是一个离群索居的女人
  She basically goes through an imaginable trauma, 正在经历难以想象的心灵创伤
  and it's in a terrible car accident,and has a great loss, 在一场车祸中 遭受了巨大的损失
  personal loss and also is physically just mangled. 个人损失 身体也严重受创