
   So, what did you do with that money?I donated it back to my school. 那你是怎么处理这笔钱的 我把它捐给了我的学校

  You gave all the money back to you school.  -Yeah. 你把钱全部捐给了学校  -是的
  So,My, you're, I mean, you're struggling to pay your own bills. 那 天呐 你 你自己都入不敷出
  And you gave all of that money, you didn't keep a little bit of it. 你却把所有的钱都捐了 你一点儿都没留
  You gave it all to the school.  -No.My kids are just amazing. 你全部捐给了学校  -对 我的学生们都很棒
  I, they are hardworking and loving,and everyday they come to school, 他们勤奋 有爱 每天他们来上学
  they give me hundred percent of themselves. 都百分百投入
  You know 90% of our kids are low-income,Um, some of them are homeless, 我们九成的孩子都来自低收入家庭 甚至有一些孩子无家可归
  They just have such challenge and adversities.and they deserve so much. 他们有太多的艰辛和不幸 他们理应获得更多
  And this is just like a little bit what I could give them. 这只是我所能给他们的一点点帮助
  But you, you, you are not even, en.that's not where you stop 但是 你 你并不仅仅 你做的远远不止这些
  So there is a little boy who was acting out in class, right? 有个小男孩在班上捣乱 对吧
  And, you say, um, tell everyone what you did. 然后 你说 告诉大家你做了什么
  So I have a little who was little misbehaving, 我班上有个小男孩有点淘气
  So I kind of bribed him, um,and said, you know, if you have a couple good weeks, 所以我就贿赂他说 如果你连续几周表现良好
  and of your good behavior and I'll take you out to dinner. 我就请你吃晚饭奖励你