
   You are a saint.It feels good to be you. 你真是一位圣人 能成为你这样的人一定很棒

  Well give it away Yeah It feels good to help people.It really does.We have another surprise. 是啊 给予 助人为乐的感觉很棒 真的很棒 我们为你准备了一份惊喜
  Look where Genie is right now. Look at this. 看看吉妮现在在哪里 请看大屏幕
  Watch.Those are my kids.Hi, everybody.Hi, Genie.Ellen, hi. 请看 那是我的学生们 大家好 你好 吉妮 你好 艾伦
  There are a bunch of kids there. 那里有好多孩子
  Oh my gosh, oh my ladies.It is packed in here. -Those are my babies. 天啊 这里太挤了  -他们都是我的宝贝
  How is everybody doing there, Genie?Can you hear me? 大家都好吗 吉妮 你能听到我说话吗
  We are doing, yeah, I can hear you, Ellen. 我们都很好 是的 我能听到 艾伦
  We are doing so great.Miss Bohlmann, these students love you so so much. 我们都非常好 波乐曼小姐 这些学生非常非常爱你
  They've been telling stories about how wonderful you are. 他们到处告诉别人你有多好
  Look how excited they are.It's hard to get them really quiet. 看看孩子们多么兴奋 真难让他们安静下来
  They're all taller than I am. 他们都比我高
  All right. This, This girl in the front has a question, is that? 好 前排的小女孩有什么问题吗
  She just gave us a shout-out. 她在向我们喊话