
   It's actually not, they decided not to release it. Okay. 不上映了 决定禁播这部电影  好吧

  July 17th. July 17th.Yeah, can I stay with you till then? 七月十七日 七月十七啊 在那之前 我可以和你呆一起吗
  Because I haven't got my first check for the movie. 因为我还没拿到我的影薪
  Was that... is that cool or...Plenty of room. 可以吗 还是  -当然可以
  Okay cool yeah,Thank you, We would love to have you, that would be great, 太好了 嗯 谢谢你 我们十分欢迎你的加入 那太棒了
  bring your uh your Hemsworth brothers, uh I do, I travel with that, 把你的海姆斯沃斯兄弟带来 我会的 我到哪儿都带着它
  Okay good, you have it with you - Yeah Um and your show was coming back 那就太好了 你确实有这个  没错 你的真人秀节目会回归吗
  on Comedy Central for the third season? 在喜剧中心播出第三季
  Yes. Starting up again? Congratulations,Thank you, 是的  又上舞台了 恭喜啊 谢谢
  this season, I'm so proud. Yes?Yes, April 21st, - April... 这一季节目 我感到很自豪  是吗 是的 四月二十一日  -四月份啊
  Please watch it, don't just clap and then like not watch it, okay? 大家一定要来捧场 别光鼓掌 然后不去看 好吗
  Be cool, be real.Oh my god, you make me laugh so, you're hilarious, 当个真君子 真实点 天啊 你总能逗我发笑 你太逗了
  so 2015 MTV Movie Awards are live Sunday at 8 eastern on MTV, 2015MTV音乐奖 将在东部时间周日八点上映
  we'll be back. Amy Schumer everybody. 节目稍后继续 这是艾米·舒默