
   Our next guest is only 16 years old, 我们的下一位嘉宾只有16岁,

  and is the biggest teen popstar in the world. 却是世界上最受欢迎的少年歌手。
  Please welcome back Justin Bieber. 让我们请回贾斯丁比伯。
  Now uhh,when You are trying to sleep at night, 当你在晚上要睡觉的时候,
  first of all, you must have screaming in your head all the time 白天里,你肯定一直满脑袋都是尖叫声,
  but when you lay down at night, you hear that song, 但是当你晚上躺在床上的时候,你会不会一直想着一首歌,
  is there a song you hear in your head, 就一直在你脑子里唱啊唱啊,
  cuz we all have songs that stuck in our head 因为我们都会有一首歌一直萦绕在脑海中
  Actually the song Teenage Dream is caught in my head. 实际上,我总是想着Tennage Dream这首歌
  Is that caught in your head right now?Sing some tunes. 你现在也想着吗 唱两句吧。
  You don't have to, I was just kidding. 你也不是一定要唱,我就是开开玩笑。。
  All right . All right I was going to.Go ahead. 好吧。 我是想唱两句来着。 唱吧唱吧。
  You guys know that song Teenage Dream? 大家知不知道那首叫做Teenage Dream的歌?
  Great song, you know.It goes uhh, it's like 这是一首好歌。是这么唱的,呃...