
   Oh my god, those're too dangerous.I wore this for Ellen.So dangerous. 我的天 这是不是太危险了 我特意为Ellen穿的 太危险了这

  Those are very...those are weapons.You see this scar right here? From those type of shoes. 随身携带着兵器啊 能看见我这个疤吗 就是这种鞋划的
  Those pair of shoes?Do not put footies under the table.Those are insane, are those one of a kind? 就这双吗 别轻易把脚伸进桌子下面 好冲动的鞋 这是你的风格吗
  No they're not. But they're making the debut here on the Ellen show.Whose makes those? 还不是 它们这在Ellen show上才初次亮相 什么品牌的啊
  Christian Louboutins, from them. I knew you like shoes so...And I need to be with Jennifer all the time, so it's a whole. Christian 红底鞋 我知道你喜欢这种鞋 再加上一直跟Jennifer合作 我得防身
  Those are pretty fancy shoes.Jamie, just for people who don't know who jamie is.Jamie is a choreographer. 这鞋真心不错 Jamie 我为那些不熟悉Jamie的人介绍一下 Jamie是一名舞蹈指导
  First of all, congratulations on the half-time show, you did that entire half-time show.It was beautiful, It was amazing. 首先要祝贺你导演的中场表演大获成功 非常惊人
  You've worked with everybody in the world, including me. 你的合作对象都遍布全球了 都包括我
  You actually choreographed something I did one time, so thank you for that. 那次你为我编了舞 得谢谢你
  But just name some people you've worked with, just so people know who you are. 你自己说说都跟谁合作过 自我介绍一下
  Well, um, I've done shows for Britney Spears Rihanna, um, Spice Girls, Ricky Martin, Shakira um, wow, Talia, God I just... 呃 我为布兰妮设计过表演 还有蕾哈娜 辣妹 Ricky-Martin 夏奇拉 还有 啊 好难想
  We did a video.Jennifer Lopez! We did a video.I've been with all those directors, you know, since 1996. 我们还拍过MV呢 对Jennifer Lopez拍过MV 我一直在向那些大导演学习 从96年就开始了
  Wow, long time.Amazing.Oh the Michael Jackson sort of stuff.I directed the show "immortal".Yeah, and now you're doing this. 这真是好久了 多惊人 还有Michael Jackson的一些作品 永生巡演是我导演的 而现在你投身这个了
  Which I, I said backstage, I love the show.The show is so filled with talents that you've never seen before. 我刚在后台也说 爱死这个节目了 见所未见的天才比比皆是
  And it's so importance to, to bring this into, you know...a bigger audience, to let everybody know what's out there.So I love that. 而且将这种文化带入更大的环境 给全世界见识一下 这个太有意义了 我喜欢