
   First dance.have a seat.I haven't danced all summer long 第一支舞 请坐 我一个夏天没跳过舞了

  Will.I.Am welcome.I'm so happy you are here.Thank you Will.IAm欢迎你 很高兴你能来 谢谢
  and do I say the whole way.do I say Will. You. Are Will.I.Am Will 整场我该怎么称呼你 是叫你Will.You.Are 还是Will.I.Am 还是Will
  you call me willy,you call me billy, you call me chily.or did you call me Will 你可以叫我Willy 叫我Belly 叫我Chilly 要不就叫你刚说的Will
  so now I have our new segment because it's our first show.I don't have a name for 我们首场秀 有个新环节 我还没想好名字
  I wanna share the segment we usually have a title for the segment 以前每个环节都有名字
  so we just call it the new segment that we don't have title for 这个新环节 暂且就叫待命环节吧
  do you have your auto corrector on your phones everybody.do you have worried 你们手机上有自动联想功能吗 为此担心过么
  OK,so you're texting cause it's all kind new to me 就是你发消息的时候 这新功能真的玩不转
  you're texting your phone automatically spell the word things you trying to type 手机会自动把 你想要的单词拼完整
  and sometimes it's right, sometimes a lot of times it's very very wrong and it's been happening to me laterly a lot 有时候它拼对了 但更多的时候 它错的离谱 最近我就经历了几回
  the other day I was texted Portia I was gonna get my can washed 有天我发消息给Portia说我把罐子给洗了
  obviously I made my can polished but I made my car washed 很显然是我把罐子擦亮了 但实际上我洗的是车
  so there are some websites now that posting the auto corrects and over the summer a lot of my viewers sent me there 很多网站上都有关于拼写联想的故事 观众们也发来很多
  so I wanna share some of them with you.these are actually things that people sent to us that happened to them 现在跟大家分享一些 这些都是真人真事
  It starts off sweet this one 这个开头很甜蜜