
   So we just give Sherrie a cheque with 100 thousand dollars and she said this gonna help so much 我们刚给了Sherrie一张10万美元的支票 她说这可帮了大忙

  because I just got a bill for 4 thousand dollars for toilet paper 她刚收到买手纸的账单 要求支付4千美元
  and I had choosed between paying for that and buying food 她得在付账和买食品之间选择
  so this is gonna help and I will urge everyone to continue to try to help you 所以这10万美元帮上忙了 我会继续呼吁大家来帮你
  there is one more thing,Ginny if you do me a favor 还有件事 Ginny 帮我个忙好吗
  if you would take all of those kids and everybody outside,that would be great take everybody outside 把大家都带到外面去 帮我把大家带出去就好了
  a lot of children in this country don't finish school,because they never learn how to read 美国有很多孩子没有从学校毕业 是因为他们一直不会读书
  Targets want to help kids reach their full potential 塔吉特想帮孩子们发挥全部潜力
  And one way to do that is to make sure they can read by the third grade 有一个办法就是让他们三年级前就学会读书
  so they sent 75 volenteers to Vagas and they packed 600 backpacks filled with books lots of school supplies 所以他们派了75个志愿者到拉斯维加斯 和600个书包 装满了书和学习用品
  and other stuffs for every single students 还有一些其他东西 送给每一个学生
  So you get a backpack,Here we go, oh my god.Get all the stuff in here,They are so derserve them 你也有一个书包 都在这了 天啊 所有东西都在里面 他们真的很需要这些
  Target's giving everybody in the audiance 100 dollar gift card 塔吉特还给大家每人一张百元购物卡
  If you know an amazing person like Sherrie,please write to our website and tell us about them 如果你知道什么人像Sherrie这样 请在我们网站留言 告诉我们他们的事迹
  we need to know about people like Sherrie and I challenge everyone else out there,let she inspired you, she inspired me 我们想了解Sherry这样的人 我希望Sherry能够激励每一个人 让她来鼓舞你 她已经启发了我
  I want to thank Ashton Kutcher Will.I.Am,Sherrie Gahn and all the kids in Whitney Elementary School 感谢Ashton Kutcher Will.I.Am 感谢Sherrie Gahn和惠特尼小学的孩子们
  none of this would have become possible without the help of the Target 如果没有塔吉特公司的热情相助 这一切也不会成真
  I can't thank them enough,All right you haven't seen the last of us 对大家感激不尽 你还会见到我们
  we are gonna keep help you, we are not gonna stop.See you tomorrow, Be kind on one another Bye. 我们会继续帮助你的 不会是一锤子买卖 明天见 善待彼此哦 再见了