
   she was celebrating herself,it's very happy 他在为自己庆祝呢 很快乐

  I'm not gonna judge you all but my first guest might,I don't know 我不会对你们的歌声指指点点 但是我的第一个嘉宾可能会 我不知道
  my co-worker for only two more days is here.Simon Cowell is here 只与我共事两天多的同事开了 西蒙·考威来了
  this is his last interview before he leaves American Idol 这是他离开美国偶像前的最后一次访谈了
  and I don't know who i'm gonna carpool with anymore,I don't know,also on the show i've wanted him here forever 我也不知道接下来我又将与谁一起拼车了 我不知道 在我的节目上我永远欢迎他
  before i even had a show,I wanted hime to sing for me and he's here today 在我有自己的秀之前 我想要他为我唱首歌 今天他终于来了
  finally,Jack Johnoson is here and there's this amazing place here in California that i heard about 最后 杰克·约翰森也来了 我听说加利福利亚有一个很棒的地方
  and when i hear aobut things that this is so inspiring.they rescue abused farm animals 我听说了一些事 是多么激动人心 在哪里在农场里遭受虐待的动物得到救助
  it's called "the Gentle Barn",I've been twitting about it 它被称作是“温柔之乡” 我曾经推特介绍过它
  Portia had a chance to visit there and brought some cameras with her 鲍西亚有机会去那里参观了一下 还带去了一些相机
  and i'm gonna show you what she saw in the few minutes but it really is a pretty speical place,I can't wait to show you this place 我将用几分钟的时间为大家展示她的所见所闻 那真的是一个非常特别的地方 我等不及要跟你们展示这个地方
  anyway, if you've been watching the show,You know that Greyson Chance is an amazing,12 year old singer that we found on Youtube 对了 如果你曾经看过我们的节目 你应该知道我们在Youtube上发现了 一个12岁的音乐奇才格雷森·切斯
  just 2 weeks ago and when we found hime,he had maybe a couple of thousand views on Youtube 就在两周以前 当我们发现他时 他在youtube上拥有几千个观众
  since he was on the show,he's got over 30 million views.incredible 在他参加完我们的节目后 他已经拥有了超过三千万的观众 难以置信