
   so he lives in a small town called "Edmond Oklahoma" outside Oklahoma City 他住在俄克拉哈马城外一个叫埃德蒙的小镇上

  and of course once he was this big Youtube 理所当然当他在youtube上引起巨大轰动后
  everybody was trying to get in touch with him,everyone 每个人都试着想与他取得联系 每个人
  and because it's a small town and of course he just was singing at school 就因为那是一个小镇 当然他也只是单纯地在唱歌 在学校里
  assembly people were just calling the phonebook 于是大批的人们去查询当地的电话薄
  there's only 3 Chances in the phonebook,and one of them is Nancy Chance 在电话薄上只有三个姓切斯的 其中一个叫南希·切斯
  who has gotten thousands of calls from people asking for Greyson 已经接到了成千上万个询问格雷森的电话
  she's not related to Greyson at all,but she's this poor woman Nancy 她跟格雷森其实一点关系也没用 但她还是成为了一个可怜的人儿南希
  that's probable sitting by the phone,so I thought i'd call her myself and see what she's doing 她此时也许就坐在电话旁 所以我想我还是亲自给他打一个电话吧 看看她现在在干什么
  she probably doesn't mind another phone call,so there's 3 Chances 她也许并不介意多一个骚扰电话 这里有三个姓切斯的人
  what are the chances that there would be,a Chance not related to another Chance 哪个切斯会接我的电话呢 这个切斯跟另一个切斯可一点关系也没有
  Hello,a Chance not related to another Chance,well I'm kidding Nancy this is Ellen Degeneres calling 你好 嗨 格雷森在吗? 嗯 我开玩笑呢 南希 我是艾伦·德杰勒瑞丝
  No,yeah it is,No,yeah it is hi Nancy,No,it is,it's ellen on the phone, oh my Gosh I love you 不 是我 不是 是的 嗨 南希 不 是我 是艾伦打来的 天啊 我爱你
  hey say hello everybody,Kacy hang up that phone,I want make sure I hear Ellen's every word please 大家快跟她打个招呼 卡西 挂上那个电话 我要听清ellen的每一句话
  my daughter got on the other phone, we are like huge fans 我女儿在用另一个电话 我们可是你的超级粉丝
  oh thanks so much,listen i'm calling,what's been like since Greyson was on the show 噢 谢谢 我打来是想问问 当格雷森在节目中一炮而红后你过得怎样