
   It's kind of exciting,I'm not being ungrateful 它让我感到兴奋 我并不是不心存感激

  I've had a fantastic time and you know the show changed my life 我拥有了一段梦幻的时光 你知道这个秀改变了我的人生
  but I just kind of knew that it was time to do something different 但是我知道 是时候去做一些不同的事了
  Well I don't know if it's cuz it was your last year or not,because this is my first year but 我不知道是否因为那是你的最后一年 或者是因为那是我的第一年
  you've been a joy to work with,I've enjoyed a really 你工作得很愉快 我也真的很享受
  I mean I said this is somebody recently,who knew I like you so much,I had no idea 我的意思是某人最近才发现 她是那么喜欢你 我却不知道
  I thought that it was gonna be a little bit of and I actually have had so much fun with you 我知道那有一点儿 事实上我和你收获了许多快乐
  that I was sad that you were leaving,Oh thank you and I feel exactly the same way,well thank you 我很伤心因为你的离开 噢 谢谢你 我也有完全相同的感受 谢谢
  but so is that why you've been,have you been extra good mood this year because you know you are leaving 所以那就是你为什么 你是不是今年心情格外好 因为你知道你可以离开
  I haven't thought about it like that,I've just felt a little bit happier,full stop, you know 我可从没那么想过 我只是感到有那么一点儿高兴 一切都停止了 你知道
  maybe it's that when you are in this position,you start remembering all the great times you've had 也许当你在这个位置上的时候 你会记得你所拥有的所有快乐时光
  We've had a blast over the years.what are you most pround of over the years 在过去的几年里我们举行了一场盛大的狂欢 这些年来最让你引以为豪的是什么
  I would say the fact that the show has remained popular that we've managed to stay on the air 我会说这档节目依然火热 我们都能留在这档节目
  that we've all hopefully retained a sense of humor,nobody's changed too much 我们都希望保持自己的幽默感 人们都没什么太大的改变
  with the exception of Ryan who's turned into a bit of a monster,that was always gonna happen 除了瑞恩 现在已经变成了怪物 那迟早都会发生
  We've become friends and that's quite rare with people you work with,so you know good memories yeah 我们成为了朋友 这在合作伙伴之间很少发生 你知道 美好的回忆