
   Ellen,I might be one of the biggest Bieber fanatics you ever see Ellen 我可能是你见过的最狂热的Bieber粉

  My friends and I are in love with him,Bieber's such an inspiration to me 我和我的朋友都爱上他 Bieber一直在鼓励着我
  Whenever I am sad or having a bad day,his music gets me through and makes me smile 每当我心情沮丧 郁郁寡欢的时候 他的音乐总能帮我渡过难关 让我重新振作
  The next time Justin's on your show,It would be a miracle to come to tap and see him 下一次Justin上你的节目 我非常想去现场看看他
  I would do anything I mean anything Ellen,I'm not even joking 我会不惜一切 我说一切 Ellen 我不是开玩笑
  Put me to the tests anything you ask I'll do it,I love him so much Ellen 让我去现场 我愿为你做牛做马 我太爱他了 Ellen
  His music lyrics amazing looks have made me one of the biggest fans 他的音乐 他萌死人的外表让我不可自拔
  Please Ellen, I beg you next time he's on call me up Ellen 求你了 下一次他上节目的时候给我打电话
  I live like 30 minutes away from your studio,Love Paige,Paige Conway 我住的地方离摄影棚只有30分钟的路程 爱你的 Paige,Paige Conway
  It turns out it's about an hour away,But anyway 事实上是一个小时的路程 但是无论任何
  But even though it was an hour away and even though he's busy 但是尽管有一个小时的路程 尽管他很忙
  Justin surprised her and we have that footage which was so sweet,Let's take a look Justin意外地拜访了她 我们有一段甜蜜的录像 我们一起来看一下
  What's up,Ellen,Justin's here,I'm on my way to go surprise Paige,She said she's my biggest fan 最近怎么样 Ellen 我是Justin 我正准备去给Paige个惊喜 她说她是我的头号粉丝
  She's fifteen,And we are here, she has no clue I'm here,So let's go 她15岁 我们到了她家 她完全不知道我来了 我们走吧
  Hi, my name's Paige Conway and this is my room 大家好 我叫Paige Conway 这是我的房间
  I'm the biggest Justin Bieber fan,because he's gorgeous and I love his hair 我是Justin的头号粉丝 因为他很迷人 我喜欢他的头发
  I love everything about him,His music is amazing and very inspirational 我爱他的一切 他的音乐很棒 很鼓舞人心
  I had his posters for my wall forever,you have to like him, you can't like not like him 我的这些海报要永远挂在墙上 你会爱上他的 他让你不得不爱
  He's amazing and he's won all these awards,he's really showing people in the world what he can do 他很优秀 他赢得了很多的奖 他向世界证明了 他能行
  That's crazy that he's gone this far,I've been with him every single step of the way 他能走到今天真是太不可思议 我对他的每一步都不断关注