
   I mean the whole week my teammates haven't getting a highest scores 因为当时我们的团队并没有取得最高比分

  I mean there are other girls have been getting higher scores 还有其他的比赛选手得更多分
  I actually do in a better team during so many other competition 我在其它比赛中的团队成绩还会比较好
  so I wasn't sure whaet happened,but I knew that did my best for that time 我不确定会发生什么 但我知道我做到了自己的最好
  I have finished the olympic as best as I could,I was happy,that's all you can do,that's all you can do 我尽力完成了我在奥运会的最好成绩 我非常开心 这就是你能做的 你能做的全部
  and that women narrating,does that get on your nerves,you hear her the whole time 一直在广播的那个女播音会让你紧张吗 因为你一直都听到她播音
  Or you can't hear her,we can't hear her,yeah,ok 或者你根本就没注意 我没注意 恩 好的
  and did you see your parents crying,could you see that they were moved that much to cry 你当时看到你爸妈哭了吗 当时他们激动到哭
  I didn't see until after,I didn't see their reaction until after 我是之后才看到的 我是在比赛后才看到他们的反应
  I mean that they were just so happy that I finally got the gold,finally fulfil my dreams 我是说我最终赢得了奖牌 他们是如此的高兴 我最终圆了我的梦
  I think it's just a relief I think for all of us,I mean it's sad cause they don't cry 我觉得这让我们大家都松了一口气 这有点悲伤 因为他们从不哭的
  will it shouldn't make you sad,they are just so happy,it shouldn't make you sad,and I felt happy that they were happy 他们只是非常开心 这怎么会让你感到悲伤呢 它不会让你伤心的 他们开心 我就感到开心
  so now you are getting marriage proposals that's what I heard 我听说现在有人向你求婚了
  yeah,i was like of home coming when I got back to lowa,there was a huge like "welcome home" 恩 我回国后回到艾奥华 当时有一个盛大的“欢迎回家”迎接会
  there is a people on the stands marrying me signs,wow,It's kind of weird 有个人举着“嫁给我”的牌子在观众台上 哇 但这有点奇怪