
   You look fantastic.Thank you,so do you.I just said that back stage,that's sweet.thank you 你看起来好极了 多谢 你也是 我刚在后台还说了呢 你真好

  So have you ever done one of those,I didn't even know those classes existed,have you ever taken a seductive class 你有参加过那种传说中的教你怎么诱惑别人的课程吗
  No,I haven't,but all the girls in my work do a weekly class every saturday 我没有 但是我的其他女同事 每周六都去上这种课
  And now they've put a pole in the make up room 然后他们居然在化妆间里放了一根钢管舞的钢管
  Really?yes,they're really into it and I love it because you know,they've all come out of their shell and they feel great and confident 真的吗 真的 她们练得很投入 我觉得这样挺好的 因为她们都从自己的小世界里走了出来 并感觉很好很健康
  It's supposed t be a great workout,like not just a seduction thing,but it's hard to do 这应该是种很好的锻炼 不仅仅是诱惑人这么简单 其实是很难
  Because I've done it as a joke on the show,and it's really hard to do 因为我在节目里开玩笑地试过一次 然后发现真的好难啊
  yeah,they are all sore when they come in Monday morning,they're complaining about how sore they are 是啊 当她们周一早上上班的时候 各个腰酸背痛的 她们都抱怨浑身都疼死了
  The one downside I will say is that they all have bruised kness,yeah,They say from the pole 对了 我要说这项运动有一个不好的地方 所有练的人膝盖都有擦伤 是的 她们都说是钢管弄的
  And there are these portable poles apparently that you can buy,they've all bought them and put them up in their houses 你可以买到那种自由装卸的钢管 她们都买了一根装在家里
  Right,Okay,well I'm not going to go there,there are lot of places to go with that,the husands and wives are all very happy about it 好吧 反正我不要遭这罪 虽然有很多地方都有类似的东西 老公老婆的都很喜欢这个
  And how's the little girl doing,she is delicious,how old is she 你女儿最近怎样 她很可爱 她多大了
  Everyone asks me everyday how's Stella,she's ugly and stupid,yeah,She's so ridiculously cute,I get it 每一天我遇到的人都要问我我女儿怎么样了 她又丑又蠢 好吧 她实在是可爱至极 明白
  I have to say every minute I love her more and every day is more fun 我要说每一分钟我都更加爱她 每一天都变得更加有趣
  You know something strange happened to me Because I didn't want to be a mother 生活在我身上施了一个神奇的魔法 因为我本意并不想做一个母亲
  You know I never thought I was going to have children,it was never something sort of that I thought i wanted to do,because 我从来没有生孩子的念头 那从来不曾是我所追求过的
  I sort of had a rough childhood,and didn't really associate childhood with necessarily happy time 因为我的童年并不幸福  所以我也并不认为童年一定是幸福的时光