
   That's great,and Ball that dog is cute.He is very cute.Yeah,that's a really really cute dog 这样很好 Ball太可爱啊 非常可爱 非常非常可爱

  My head writer Kevin has a dog just like that.They're good looking dog.The curling,yeah.he's very handsome 我们的主编辑Kevin有条一模一样的狗 很漂亮的狗狗 卷毛的 是的 非常帅
  But in fact,he since,he's a precious.That's not a real dog 他很宝贵 这不像一只真狗狗
  He's,he's just that precious,and in fact he asked about you.He did 他太可爱了 他还会问候你 当真
  He sent a message because he knew it was your birthday and I think we have it 他知道你过生日 还发祝贺来着 应该带过来了
  He sent a message,I loved to see it 他祝贺我了 我很喜欢
  Uh,which camera I'm looking in? this one?Not very cool,excuse me 我在看哪个摄像机 这个 不算太酷 抱歉
  Hi,Ellen,It's me Ball,just wanted to say.What was I gonna say,can't remember,let's see 大家好 我是Ball 我只想说 说什么来着 忘了 让我想想
  Uh,I wish I had a helicopter.I wish I could read actually.Then I'll be set 我要个直升机 我要是认识字就好了 那样我就满足啦
  Can I just have thumbs and that would be excellent.Oh,I just remembered what I want to say 我要是有大拇指那就酷毙了 想起来要说什么了
  Happy birthday,Ellen.Thanks for caring so much about us animals.that's all,I love you,come really down now,ok Ellen生日快乐 谢谢你这么关心我们小动物 就这些 爱你 终于可以趴下啦
  That's really sweet,that's a smart dog.Very smart,yeah.very smart,what a smart dog 真好 真聪明 非常聪明 是啊 非常聪明 真聪明
  We worked for a few days on that,on that piece,but he seemed to pull it off well 我们为做这个花费了几天功夫 但他做得很好
  He really did,it's a really,it's a really smart dog.It's a good-looking family,it's a good-looking dog 确实做得很好 非常棒 非常聪明 你们全家都很漂亮 狗狗也很漂亮
  The whole picture,it's a really great picture.You are about to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary.Oh,yeah,october,20 years.20 years together,Wow.Day for us! 这幅画面非常好 你们正准备庆祝20年结婚纪念日 是的 10月份 20年 结婚20年了 哇哦 我们的节日