
   I love singing.I always kind of sang around the house,I grew up listening to a lot of music 我喜欢唱歌 我总是喜欢在家里唱歌 我听着很多音乐长大

  So that's how it got into my life,My part of dancing has never been,My parent,acutally I'm an example of a child 所以唱歌就是这样融入我的生活 跳舞方面我却从来没有 我的父母 实际上我只这样一个孩子
  Who actually loves it when his parents dance.My parents are both incredible dancers.Really?yeah,yeah 真的很喜欢看父母跳舞 我父母跳舞跳得都很好 真的吗 是的
  And now is your girlfriend a great dancer?Well she's better than me.Absolutely,that's me,yeah 那现在你女朋友也很会跳舞 她跳得比我好 真的是 这就是我 是啊
  There was some dancing involved on the set we first got together.It was the right party,we sort of have your first kiss 我们第一次在一起时就有跳舞 就在那次聚会上 我们第一次接吻
  Because you never,she's a production assistant,right?Yes,she's a production assistant 因为你从来没有 她是一个制片助理 是的 她是一个制片助理
  So she has been on al the film?No,cause that would mean she would be eleven. 她参与了所有电影的工作 没有 因为那样就意味着她11岁就工作了
  Yeah,we start to yelling the truth as well.well,I wouldn't say that she started with one.I mean,no.But she 我们现在开始讲出一些事实了 我不会说她第一部就开始参与了 我是说 但是她
  Yes,so she started on the sixth movie and we were both seeing other people at the time 她在第六部开始参与的 我们两个当时都在和不同的人恋爱
  And it wasn't until after the end of the seventh I kind of had the guts to 直到第七部结束后 我才有勇气去
  Oh,towards the end of the seventh,I picked her up at the clup and asked her out 哦 是在第七部快结束时 我才开始去俱乐部接她 约她出去
  Yeah,but did you have the feeling she felt the same way?You must do 但你能感到她有同样的感觉吗 你必须要确定吧
  I wasn't,I really wasn't sure.Because you konw,she's working all the time.I'm not just a lazy actor like wondering around,and checking out a production assistant 我那时不能 我那时真的不能确定 因为你知道 她在不停地工作 我也不是一个懒惰的演员 到处转 去查一个制片助理的行踪
  Yeah,you know,I'm not sure she.I didn't know if she feel the same way at all 是的 我不确定她 我那时一点也不知道她是否和我有同样的感觉
  But you get a point when you got to challenge your heart,and see what comes out.It works out,it works out 但是你到了一个时刻 你必须挑战你的心 去看看会发生什么 一切进行的很顺利
  Congratulations.Thank you very much.Cause last time you were here you said that it's really hard to meet people 恭喜你 非常感谢 因为上次你来 你曾说很难碰到什么人
  Cause you are always working,so you got to meet somebody working.I was alway working 因为你总在工作 所以你要去认识也在工作的 我那时是不停地工作
  Yeah,I think it's possibly works like that.Forget going to the bathroom.Become a production assistant,you start dating. 是的 我想可能是这样 忘了去卫生间 变成了一名制片助理 你就开始约会了
  That's how you do it,that's how you meet people 那就是你的做法 那就是你遇见人的途径