
   I don't think my Mama found that very very funny,at least that's what her lawyer told me 我不认为我妈妈觉得那很搞笑 至少他的律师是这么说的

  So here I have something to share with you.I have written another book 我这儿有些东西要跟你们分享 我又写了一本书
  And I already have two.The first book I wrote was My Point And I Do Have One 我之前已经写了两本 我的第一本书是"My Point And I Do Have One"
  The second book was The Funny Thing IS.And I didn't even go to college,so how good is that 第二本是"The Funny Thing IS" 我连大学都没上过呢 一切都太美好了
  I've written a third one,the trilogy is complete now.It is called Seriously I'm kidding 我又写了第三本 现在三部曲算是完整了 它的名字是 Seriously I'm Kidding
  And it is gonna be in bookstores October 4th,you can pre-order it right now on amazon.com 10月4号就要上架了 你们可以去amazon.com提前预定
  Come which you should because it's gonna fly off the shells like hot cakes 你们得赶紧啊 要不就抢不到喽
  It really is my favorite book so far,so I think you'll enjoy it 这可是我目前为止最爱的书 我想你们会喜欢的
  I think a few important people got advance copies and it seems like when people start reading it they just can't put it down 有些大人物提前拿到了几本 他们可是一拿起来就放不下了呢
  I don't know if you saw the President's jobs speaks the other day,take a look 不知道你们有没有看总统前几天的演讲 我们一起来看一下
  This jobs plan builds on a program in Georgia that several Republican leaders have highlighted 这项就业计划建立在乔治亚州的一个项目上 一些共和的领袖已经强调过这个项目
  Where people who collect unemployment insurance participate in temporary work as a way to build their skills while they look for a permanent job 在那儿 领取失业保险的人参与临时工作 以此锻炼工作能力 好找到一份长期工
  The plan also extends on unemployment insurance for another year. 该计划还将失业保险的期限延长一年
  yeah,He's highlighting.That is rude.The president should really quiet down so he could read. 是的 他在书上做笔记呢 太无礼了 总统先生应该安静一下 要不别人怎么看书呢
  That's how funny it is,you wanna highlight parts to remember later on 很搞笑吧 你需要记得书上的东西就得做笔记
  We have a wonderful show for you today.I'm gonna show you what happened when I visited Taylor Swift on her tour.right after this comercial we'll be right back 今天的节目很精彩 我会告诉你们Taylor Swift的巡演后台发生了些什么 广告过后 马上回来