
   Stop it.Hi jon,hi.It's glad to see you 别这样呐 你好Jon 好啊 见到你真高兴

  Well you have to be happy.I have to be happy.well apparently it's required 你最近一定很开心啊 我不得不开心 很显然 这是必须的
  I'm actually,you should be happy,immensely happy 真的很开心 你应该开心才对 超级开心
  and I was saying you should be happy because it's been,it's been a crazy ride for you lately 我说你得开心 是因为 最近你过的那是相当刺激啊
  Yes,it has.It's so funny because people would call me 是啊 真的是有意思极了 因为好多人打电话给我
  and ask just the innocent of questions.like hey jon,what's been going on 就是问一些超级无聊的问题 就像 嘿 Jon 接下来会怎样
  It's like,oh,well,Charlie Sheen went crazy and started saying he was from mars 或者像 噢 看吧 查理辛疯了 接着说的话证明他来自火星
  and then I almost lost my job,then they hired Ashton Kutcher 还说我差一点就丢工作了 要不是我东家雇了Ashton Kutcher
  What,it's crazy.Now is it,is it stuff that because we would just assume you knew more than we knew 什么嘛 真是有够疯的 这个 这个事嘛 是因为大家都想着你知道的比我们多
  Or were you learning as we were learning watching all of this unflod 或者你对整件事的认识和我们一样
  I was watching it the same way that most people were 我和大多数人一样 通过同样的途径看到这消息
  I heard it over the internet you know and people,it was weird because I would hear it at the same time as my brother-in-law 我是从网上看到的 人们就那样 太怪异了 因为我听到消息时的感觉 就像我的兄弟出啥事了
  Like literally heard that he left the show or what did you 你也只是听说 他将要离开节目或你
  Yeah,I learned that from the internet,really?that he was not on the show anymore.I heard from the internet 是这样 我是从网上知道的这个消息 真的吗 我看到他不再演这个电视剧了 我是从网上看到的
  Wow,my jaw unhinged like a giant Snake.It was like a choker 喔 当时惊得我张大嘴巴 像大蛇那样 就像掐着我脖子似得
  So I was shocked as,and maybe you didn't believe it,maybe you thought it was just a rumor 这事吓到我了 但可能你不会相信 或许你只认为那是个谣言
  I believed it.you did.I believed it because things were so nutty you know 我信啊 你信 我信是因为那些事儿太疯狂了
  So  things had gotten nutty before that happened. 那在这之前事情都闹得沸沸扬扬了
  You kind of saw,did you see,Oh my God,this could actually go in a direction like this or was that not even a possibility 对你看到的 有哪些看法 是天啊 “事态的发展和我想的一样” 还是 “这根本不可能发生”