
   Rene showler from Yukon Okalahoma send this in.I took this photo at a bank near where I live in Okalahoma 奥克拉荷马州育空市的Rene showler发来照片 我在住所附近的银行拍下这张照片

  This is their sign,says InterBank F all your needs 这是他们的广告牌 InterBank搞定你一切需求
  Well,if you need a safe deposit box,I'll tell you where to stick your valuables 如果你需要保险箱 我告诉你上哪藏金银细软
  At least this bank can tell you honestly say that they treat you like family,So that's nice,so 至少这家银行拿你不当外人 还挺不错的
  This is from Kip Wilson from Louisville Kentucky.My girlfriend pointed this place out to me when I went to visit her 接下来是肯塔基州路易维尔市的Kip Wilson 我去看女朋友的时候 她指给我看的
  Drop A Tot Child Care.That's a terrible name,Drop A Tot 掉宝宝幼儿园 这名字太烂了 真是“丢蛋鸡”
  That is almost as bad as this one,Hop on Pop Nursing Home.Right,that's not right 下面这个也差不多 在爸爸身上蹦来跳去养老院 没错 这可不怎么好
  Rebecca Kabernato from Overland park Kansas,this photo was taken at Easter in the mid Nineeast 接下来是堪萨斯州奥弗兰帕克市的Rebecca Kabernato 照片是复活节那天在东九街中段拍的
  I didn't like my little sister when we are growing up,So at the last second I push her out of the way 小时候我不喜欢妹妹 所以最后一秒我把她推出了画面
  Not all the way,If you look in the left hand corner,she's still sort of,her foot's in there 其实没有完全推出 如果你细看左下角 她其实还在 她的脚还在
  I think she has a bright future had her wroking in Dtop A Tot,that girl.Leg,just sticking outlike that 这位妹妹在“丢蛋鸡”幼儿园工作肯定有前途 腿啊 就那样伸着
  Christy De Pare,I believe from Vancouver Canada,I took this picture in British Columbia Christy De Pare 应该是加拿大温哥华的 我在不列颠哥伦比亚省拍的这张照片
  It is a interesting name for a funeral home.Assman's funeral 殡仪馆叫这个名字很有趣 阿屁丧葬服务
  No one is more focused on your end than Assman's.I love the sign above,it says dignity.because nothing's as in dignity as an Assman 没人像阿屁这样注意你的“身后事” 牌子上还写着体面 我喜欢 因为没有什么比阿屁更体面了