
   Does that seem like the right thing,I mean the kid probably saying 这样做可以么 我觉得孩子们可能会说些什么

  The kids are putting on the heat,they really are,they are putting on the heat 孩子们一直在催我们 真的 他们一直在催
  But you'll do it,you'll still hold out 不过你总会结婚的 你还会一直等着么
  How do I get out this one,somebody help me.Alright 你怎么会问这个问题 谁来帮帮我 好吧
  I don't know what the future holds,but I,I do believe we'll gotta get that one right 我不知道未来会发生什么 所以 我坚信我们能纠正这种事情
  If we don't,the younger generations are already hip to and I don't figure it out 如果我们不 年轻人已经很了解这件事 虽然我不知道该怎么做
  But it's shameful if we don't get there now 不过如果我们还不行动就太丢脸了
  I agree,obviously.I still wanna give you a theme of the movie 我同意 千真万确 我想送你一件有关电影主题的东西
  and I think you're one child short of a baseball team,aren't you 你们家组棒球队是不是还少一个孩子
  It's one more,yes,what did I say,one child 还是会多一个 是的 我说什么了 一个孩子
  One family member,one family member short of baseball team,that's what I mean 一个家庭成员 要组棒球队还缺一名家庭成员 我就是这个意思
  and I can't get a third party in there,a child,that's what I meant 我总不能说要加入第三者吧 一个孩子嘛 我就是这个意思
  what kind of,I know what you mean,I know what you mean,We got a basketball team amd one that can sat at the bench 这是肿么了 我懂你的意思  我懂你的意思 我们组成了篮球队 有一个人可以坐冷板凳
  Alright,so we give you something that you're gonna have to help me with 那好 我们送你一样东西 但你得帮我一下
  If you put that side,that rope,alright.Alright,turn it around,you come this way 你拉这一头 这个绳子 就这样 好的 转过来 你到这边来
  Alright,we'll be back with the co-star Chris Pratt,He'll join us after this,how about that 稍后我们将有请共同出演的Chris Pratt 稍后他将来到我们节目现场 这个怎么样