
   Well,that's,that's one way that it's different from Idol.I really like that there is live auditions 这也是它和美偶不同的地方之一 增加现场观众这一点 我真的很喜欢

  I mean these people usually they have time to kind of get ready and prepare themselves to be in front of a live audience,but these people  audition in front of 我是说 选手们有时间准备好在观众面前表演 但这可是满满一个大厅的观众啊
  an entire auditorium of people that like them or don't like them 他们有权决定喜欢或不喜欢这些选手
  And what would you say are the other differences,cause I think people were wondering how is it gonna be different 你认为其他不同的地方在哪里呢 我想人们对这些不同点也很好奇
  Well,it's a different kind of contestant we're looking for 我们在寻找跟以往不同的选手
  There is a massive mentoring side which we had from day one,I know The Voice put on that show,but we started the show 7 years ago 从一开始我们就为选手们准备了一系列的指导 我知道《美国之声》已经用过这招了 我们七年前开始的这个秀
  The whole premise of the show was a judge will look after 3 contestants 它最大的特点是 每个评委会亲自指导三个选手
  And do everything for them throughout the show.Hopefully they are gonna get better because of that 在比赛中为他们打点一切 由此希望他们会变得越来越好
  And there is no age limit.So you have lot more people that show up because there's people that 现在比赛没有年龄上限了 所以有更多选手参与
  What does that mean.What does that mean,it's like peripherally I can see trouble started 那是什么 那是什么 我几乎可以遇见麻烦的开始 我看到身边有人想挑事了
  I can see it,I smell it,I can feel it.Whenever you say "older" he.Well we encourage older people to be on the show  我能看见它 闻到它 感觉到它 只要你一说到年龄问题 他就 我们是十分鼓励年纪较大的人参与比赛
  Are you older than Simon,you're not older than Simon.Yes,No.You are,oh you are.No,oh no. 你比Simon要大吗 没有吧 是的 才不 是的 你比我大 才没有
  Oh,come on.And you have way more beauty products than I do 算了吧你 你用的化妆品可比我多得去了
  And how do the mentor,cause I heard I think it was you saying would be so much fun to mentor 说到指导 我听说 你曾说过指导他会很有意思
  Maybe it was the guy the ex-drug-addict at the end saying,Young Homie,Young Hoomie 这个人 是那个曾经是瘾君子的人吗 Young Hoomie Young Hoomie