早安英文 第409期:吐槽的英文怎么说你知道吗(在线收听


  Z: So we've got two meaning for this word a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone.provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks.
  M: 有两种解释哈,第一种就是激怒,使某人生气。 第二种就是用一些带有侮辱性的话来挑战别人。
  M: Does the word has the same meaning with "complain"?
  Z: Not exactly, the verb definition is speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way
  you can complain while ranting.
  wild 野蛮的,impassioned 激烈的
  M: Can we use that word to make fun of someone?
  Z: Not so much to make fun of people, since it means to criticize or reprimand severely.
  criticize 批评 reprimand 训斥
  let off steam 宣泄
  get something off one's chest 把...倾吐出来