
 Nicle and Sam still unengaged.Yeah,that's...Clearly.he's not that great.She's trying to get rid of himself. Nicle和Sam还是没有订婚 是的 那是 很明显 他没有那么棒 她只是想要拜托他老公而已

Kellan,let's talk about this for a second.Let's talk about you and the cover of Men's fitness.That's my latest gift for you. Kellan 下面让我们 来探讨一下你上《健康与健美》的封面 这是我给滴最新礼物
Drink the water.Are you,I mean,what's going on with the,with,what's going on? 喝口水 你能解释下到底发生了什么不 这是怎么了
I mean,last time you were here.I don't know who's the last hearing you were doing this crazy pushup,said you were doing like pushup in a club. 上次你来的时候 我不知道最后是谁听说 你在疯狂的做俯卧撑 说你在一个俱乐部里面做俯卧撑等健身运动
And you must graduate something more.Cause,look.what's happening there? 你一定做了其他的健身项目 你在那的时候做了什么
I don't know.There's...there's a lot of six-packs going on on that cell. 我也不知道 这有 看起来有很多六块肌呢
All right,so Jackson and Ashley,the dance for the wedding.I guess she worked on that throughly,right? Jackson和Ashley 婚礼上的舞蹈 我想你们都很努力的练习吧
Yeah,you know,we got an amazing choreographer Paul Becker. 我们有个非常棒的编舞Paul Becker
And he came in and kind of show this little dance,and we want to kind of making a little more 1920s, 他进来然后展示了一小段舞蹈 我们想要更多的展现1920年代的舞蹈
kind of swing dancer,because of our characters,So we work on a little bit,change that up,you know,and.... 类似于摇摆舞蹈 由于角色设定 所以我们共同改编了一下那段舞蹈
All right.Would you show us that dance and we got a break,all right.I don't know.Ashley,you wanna it? 好的 那你们能不能在节目现场跳一段呢 完了我们就休息一下 好不 我不知道 Ashley 你要跳吗