
 well,it looks like he's showing her the extended warranty,I think. 看着像 他在给她看延期保修卡

What kind of children's book is someone getting a washer? 什么儿童书那是 还洗衣机
Sheryl Beshoff in Bruceville,Indiana,this is a picture from my wedding, 来自印第安纳州Bruceville的Sheryl Beshoff说 这张照片是我婚礼上拍的
I didn't have time to go shopping for the bridesmaids,So my sisters picked out the fabric,and my mom made the adresses. 我没时间给伴娘准备服装 所以姐姐们就选好布料 我妈妈做好了裙子
And by picked out the fabric,I think she means stole the beds back from the holiday inn. 说到选好布料 我觉得她说的是 把假日酒店的订单偷回来
You know,It is important to make the bride the prettiest person at the wedding,and they did,they really did. 要知道 婚礼上很重要的是 要突出新娘是最漂亮的 他们确实做到了
If you have any photos that aren't quite right,Please send them to me and, 如果你身边有奇奇怪怪的照片 请寄给我
All right,I don't know if you've heard about this, 不知道你们听说过没有
But this year,for the very first time ever,you can watch the Super Bowl online,like on this Kobo Vox e-reader tablet. 今年 史上第一次 大家可以在线观看超级碗 比如这个Kobo Vox电子阅读平板电脑
And I love it,because it let you stay connected with friends,and you're all gonna love it too,cause you are all gonna go home with one. 我很喜欢 你可以用它和朋友保持联系 你们也都会喜欢 因为在座每个人都将免费得到一台