乔布斯传 第469期:高领衫和团队合作(4)(在线收听

 The process could be intimidating, but Jobs had an eye for talent. 招聘的过程是严苛的,但是乔布斯能够慧眼识人。

When they were looking for people to design the graphical interface for Apple's new operating system, 当他们想找人设计新的苹果操作系统的图形界面时,
Jobs got an email from a young man and invited him in. 乔布斯收到了一个年轻人的邮件,于是就叫他到公司来。
The applicant was nervous, and the meeting did not go well. 面试进展得并不顺利,年轻人显得太紧张。
Later that day Jobs bumped into him, dejected, sitting in the lobby. 这天晚些时候,乔布斯碰见了他,他正沮丧地坐在大厅里。
The guy asked if he could just show him one of his ideas, 年轻人问乔布斯可不可以向他展示一个作品。
so Jobs looked over his shoulder and saw a little demo, 乔布斯在他身后不以为然地看着,
using Adobe Director, of a way to fit more icons in the dock at the bottom of a screen. 他看到了一段用Adobe Director制作的视频:所有图标都在屏幕的下方排成一排。
When the guy moved the cursor over the icons crammed into the dock, 当年轻人把鼠标停在某一个图标上时,
the cursor mimicked a magnifying glass and made each icon balloon bigger. 鼠标就会像放大镜一样把那个图标膨胀变大。
"I said, 'My God,' and hired him on the spot," Jobs recalled. “我说,我的天啊,然后当场就雇了他。”乔布斯回忆道。
The feature became a lovable part of Mac OSX, 这一界面特征成为了苹果操作系统Mae OSX中一个非常受人喜爱的部分,
and the designer went on to design such things as inertial scrolling for multi-touch screens 这个设计师又接着设计出了多点触控屏慕的惯性翻页功能
(the delightful feature that makes the screen keep gliding for a moment after you've finished swiping). (是指在鼠标停止滑动之后,页面仍能够自动翻页一段时间)。