乔布斯传 第474期:从iCEO到CEO(3)(在线收听

 It was an awkward tiff in what should have been a celebratory period. 这个口角使原本的庆祝场面顿时尷尬起来。

In the end, a complex solution was worked out that granted him ten million shares in January 2000 that were valued at the current price 最终,他们研究出一个复杂的解决方案,2000年1月,以现价授予乔布斯1000万股股票,
but timed to vest as if granted in 1997, plus another grant due in 2001. 但是视同已在1997年授予;2001年他还将再获得另一半期权。
Making matters worse, the stock fell with the burst of the Internet bubble. 糟糕的是,互联网泡沫破裂之后股价下跌。
Jobs never exercised the options, and at the end of 2001 he asked that they be replaced by a new grant with a lower strike price. 乔布斯从未行使过这笔期权,到2001年底,乔布斯要求把期权的行权价格调低后再度授予。
The wrestling over options would come back to haunt the company. 这场期权之争到后来还会困扰公司。
Even if he didn't profit from the options, at least he got to enjoy the airplane. 虽然没有从期权当中获利,但乔布斯对飞机还是非常满意的。
Not surprisingly he fretted over how the interior would be designed. It took him more than a year. 不出所料,他为飞机内部的设计大费周章,前后共花了一年多的时间。
He used Ellison' s plane as a starting point and hired his designer. 他雇了一个设计师,从埃利森的飞机开始练手。
Pretty soon he was driving her crazy. 很快,设计师就被他逼疯了。
For example, Ellison's had a door between cabins with an open button and a close button. 打个比方,在埃利森的飞机的机舱之间有一扇门,门上有按钮分别控制开与关。
Jobs insisted that his have a single button that toggled. 乔布斯要求在他的飞机里,要换成二合一可以转换的按钮。
He didn't like the polished stainless steel of the buttons, so he had them replaced with brushed metal ones. 而且他还不喜欢按钮那光滑的不镑钢材料,要把它们都换成拉丝金属的。
But in the end he got the plane he wanted, and he loved it. 最终他得到了一架他心目中的飞机,他很喜欢它。
"I look at his airplane and mine, and everything he changed was better," said Ellison. 埃利森说:“我对比了一下我们俩的飞机,他的改装确实更好。”