大家说英语 第482期:我生病了(1)(在线收听

 Welcome to the show, Dr. Apple Day! Apple Day医生,欢迎来到我们的节目!

Please, just call me Apple. 请叫我苹果就好。
Sure. So, Apple, you're a doctor. Let's talk about winter sicknesses. 好的。那么苹果,你是一名医生。我们一起谈谈冬天的疾病吧。
OK. In the winter, people often get colds. 好的。人们通常会在冬天感冒。
I don't like colds. They block your nose. 我不喜欢感冒。会让我鼻塞的。
Yes. And you often get a sore throat, too. 是的。另外你还经常会嗓子疼。
People can also get the flu in winter. 人们还会在冬天得流感。
Yes. Colds aren't nice. But the flu is worse. 是的。感冒就不太好了。但是流感会更糟。
The flu can cause bad headaches. 流感会引起严重的头疼。
Yes. And you often get a fever with the flu. 是啊。而且流感经常会引起发烧。
I usually feel very warm and uncomfortable with the flu. 我得流感的时候通常会感觉全身发热、不舒服。
Exactly, Rob. The fever makes you hot. 没错,罗布。发烧会让你发热的。
What can we do about winter colds and the flu, Apple? Can we take some medicine? 苹果,关于冬天的感冒和流感,我们能做什么呢?我们可以吃一些药物吗?
Yes, medicine can help. But you have to rest. That is very important. 可以,药物会有作用的。但是你必须要休息。这一点很重要。
You can't go to work or school? 不能去上班或是上学吧?
Exactly. Stay at home. 没错。待在家里。
So you get better? 这样才会康复?
Yes. And so you don't give other people your sickness. 是啊。而且这样你不会把病传染给其他人。