向前一步:第169期 全能女人是个神话(2)(在线收听

 Think of Icarus, who soared to great heights with his man-made wings. 想想伊卡洛斯的故事,他戴着人造的翅膀飞上高空。

His father warned him not to fly too near the sun, but Icarus ignored the advice. 父亲警告过他不要飞得离太阳过近,但伊卡洛斯没有听从这个建议,
He soared even higher, his wings melted, and he crashed to earth. 甚至飞得越来越高。当他的翅膀渐渐融化,他又重重地跌落地面。
Pursuing both a professional and personal life is a noble and attainable goal, up to a point. 一个人同时追求职业和个人生活上的成就,从某种意义上讲,这当然值得尊敬。
Women should learn from Icarus to aim for the sky, but keep in mind that we all have real limits. 女性应该学习伊卡洛斯为自己设定高目标,但要记住,现实是存在局限性的。
Instead of pondering the question "Can we have it all?," we should be asking the more practical question "Can we do it all?" 不要去想“我们是否能拥有一切”,而应该问更实际的问题:“我们能做到一切吗?”
And again, the answer is no. 答案显然是不能。
Each of us makes choices constantly between work and family, exercising and relaxing, making time for others and taking time for ourselves. 每个人总是在不断做出选择,比如:事业和家庭,运动与放松,与别人相处的时间以及给自己独处的时间。
Being a parent means making adjustments, compromises, and sacrifices every day. 为人父母就意味着每天都要在时间上做出调整、妥协和牺牲。
For most people, sacrifices and hardships are not a choice, but a necessity. 对大多数人来说,这样的牺牲和辛劳并不是一种选择,而是必须做的事情。
About 65 percent of married-couple families with children in the United States have two parents in the workforce, 在美国,65%有孩子的家庭中,父母双方都在外工作,
with almost all relying on both incomes to support their household. 因为养家糊口基本上要依赖两人共同的收入,
Being a single working parent can be even more difficult. 让一个人来挣钱养家比从前困难得多。
About 30 percent of families with children are led by a single parent, with 85 percent of those led by a woman. 美国有孩子的家庭中,30%都是单亲家庭,而这其中有85%的单亲家庭由女性独自承担养家的责任。