早安英文 第426期:电影嗜睡症是什么?(在线收听

 cinematic narcolepsy 电影嗜睡症
empty-nest 空巢青年
Nomophobia 无手机恐惧症

the fear of being without your mobile phone or without a cellular signal
Empty-nest:youths are categorized as young, single individuals who live alone and usually work in cities.
There are more than 50 million "empty-nest" youths aged 20 to 39-years-old in China, with most of them working in the places far from their hometowns.
As stated on the report, the young men account for 64 percent of the population, nearly doubles the percentage of young women, and youths born in 1990s take up 61 percent.
Cinematic narcolepsy is the chronic involuntary sleep condition induced by viewing movies, particularly those shown on a large screen.
