
 A student at MIT designed a refrigerator that runs on water and sunlight.Isn't that cool? 麻省理工学院一名学生 设计了一款靠水和阳光运行的冰箱 多酷啊

After hearing this,everyone in California asked,where the hell did you get the water? 听说之后 加州人民都问 水去哪取
A company,get this,gang.Gather around. 一家公司 大家听好 都过来
Don't physically gather around,because that's not allowed.But listen,stay in your seats. 别真过来 那是不行的 不过听好 坐在座位上
A company,acompany has developed a sex toy in which you can store your loved one's ashes. 一家公司研发了一款性爱工具 你可以在其中放爱人的骨灰
Yes,yes,that's true thing.yes.so now you know what grandma means when she say grandpa lives on in all of us. 是的 真事 这下你知道奶奶说 爷爷生活在我们每个人身上是什么意思了
Alway put the oar atop the canoe. 总是把浆放在独木舟上
ladies and gentlemen,I want talk about something in the news. 女士们先生们 我想说件新闻
The harley-davidson company is introducing a brand-new bike,line of bikes actually geared toward older riders. 哈利-戴维森公司推出了新的系列摩托 是为上年纪的骑行者设计的
Look that,yes,the article is called Project Rushmore. 看啊 该项目被称为极速前进
Because they want to let older people ride motorcycl more comfortably. 他们想让上年纪的人 更舒适地驾乘摩托
So the bikes will have wider seats and more stable handing to accommodate riders in their 50's and 60's. 摩托设计了更宽的座位 操作更稳健 以适应五六十岁的骑行者
Best of all,the harley company asked us if we would unveil their new bike on our show,which I think is real honor. 最好的是 哈利公司请我们 在节目上为他们的新摩托揭幕 我真心十分荣幸
Here it is.The harley-davidson rushmore!It's exciting! 请看 首次登场 哈利-戴维森极速前进摩托 多棒啊