
 Daye,thank you so much for being here.Thanks for having me. 戴维 非常感谢你前来 感谢邀请

So much to talk about.First of all,I know you are just such a new york guy.I am,New york! 很多可以聊的 首先我知道你是个地道的纽约客 我是的 纽约万岁
But you're living in los angeles now?How are you liking it?How do you like L.A? 但是你现在住在洛杉矶 你喜欢这里吗 你喜欢洛杉矶吗
I'll tell you something about L.A. L.A is awesome. 我告诉你洛杉矶怎么样 洛杉矶太棒了
You can do anything in this town,except make a left turn.I mean that's it. 你可以在这座城市做任何事 除了左拐 就是这样
If it's even on the left,don't even look at it.You're never gonna get there. 就算在路左边 也别看 你永远也到不了那里
Doesn't matter what it is.audition,jobs family.I'm sorry.You should have been on the right side. 不管那边有什么 面试 工作 家人 抱歉 你们应该在路右边的
All right,you turned 50 earlier this year,is that right?How does it feel? 好的 你今年初刚满五十岁 对吗 感觉如何
Well,you see that fear in the crowd? 你感受到观众里的恐惧了吗
Well,these are my big years,I'll tell you that right now. 我得吃降血脂药了 我可以现在就告诉你
I thought being 50 would be kind of like,you know what? 我以为到了五十岁 你猜怎么着
Who cares?You don't have to work out. 没人在乎 你不用健身
You can just sit in the rocking chair listening to like a police scanner and wait to die.you know. 你可以坐在摇椅上 听着警用频道等死 你懂吗
But now it's extreme,you've got to like kayaking,have you ever kayak, 但是现在很极端 你得划皮艇 你划过皮艇吗
never gone kayak.Ok,let me tell you something about kayaking. 从没有过 我告诉你一件关于皮艇的事
kayaking is the unicycle of the sea.It's so boring. 皮艇相当于海上独轮车 太无聊了 
Am I right? Have you ever seen a guy look like he's having a good time when he's kayaking?No. 我说的对吗 你见过划皮艇的人看起来很开心吗 没有过
He always has that look like,if I had one friend,I'd be canoeing. 他的表情总是在说 如果我有一个 朋友 我就去划独木舟了
So no kayaking for you.what about any other sports or other thing? 所以你不划皮艇 你还能在水中做其他运动吗
Oh,kayaking is,swimming with dolphins.A dolphin ride.have you done it?never done it. 除了划皮艇 还可以和海豚一起游泳 骑海豚 你试过没有 从没试过
I don't think I could even affort it.I mean honestly I could not afford it.That's like a 1% thing. 说实话 我都不知道我能不能负担起 我负担不起 那是1%的富人的运动
I would have to go for the poor man dolphin ride.You know what that is?No,I don't know. 我只能去玩穷人版骑海豚 你知道那是什么吧 不 我不知道
Bottle of whiskey,baby pool,wet dog. 一瓶威士忌 儿童泳池 落水狗