
 Welcome to the show.How are you Andy? I'm good.How are you? 欢迎来到节目现场 你怎么样 安迪 我挺好 你呢

I'm doing great.That's all we got.Good night.That's it. 我很好 就这些了 再见 到此为止了
It's important that you and I catch up.yeah. 我们叙旧是很重要的 是啊
I love when they applaud that I say the show is over after 30 seconds. 我就喜欢大家听到 我宣布才30秒钟节目就结束了便鼓起了掌
That's called hard-core fan base right here.Oh,good,we get out of here. 这就是铁杆粉丝啊 太好了 我们赶紧走吧
We have a great show tonight.I'm excited about this show.Odd occurrence. 今晚节目很棒 我很期待 好新鲜
Much to talk about.Much to talk about. 很多可聊 很多可聊
New pope in the news.New pope doing everything he can to modernize the church.that's what I like about this pope. 新教皇上新闻了 新教皇在尽力改革教会 我就喜欢这位教皇的这一点
He's trying to take the church into the 25th century.Right.Yeah,he is. 他想让教堂步入25世纪 是啊 是啊
Pope Francis has reportedly advised new priests not to give boring sermons. 弗兰西斯教皇据报道 建议神父们不要做无聊的布道
That's what he said.Don't give boring sermons,yeah. 他说了这话 别做无聊的布道 是的
And he's also telling nuns to start wearing tank tops. 他还让修女穿吊带衫
what about that?what else is going on? 这多棒 还有什么
In a speech yesterday,presidential hopeful Jeb bush said that he is living,quote,the immigrant experience. 昨天的一次讲话中 总统候选人杰布·布什 说他在体验移民经历
Jeb bush said that,the immigrant experience.He's living it,yeah. 杰布·布什说的 移民经历 说他在体验呢
Jeb was unable to finish his remarks because just then he jumped in the back of a truck to go build a guy's deck. 杰布的话没能讲完 因为他跳上了一辆卡车 去给人造甲板了
Hillary Clinton in the news.Hillary Clinton has come out in favor of body cams. 希拉里·克林顿上了新闻 希拉里·克林顿表示支持随身摄像头
Not for police,for husbands. 不是给警方 是给她丈夫