
 New presidential poll reveals democrats have the edge among voters under 30. 新总统选举民调显示 民主党在30岁以下选民中占据优势

Good news for republicans is that there's only six people under 30 who actually vote,so probably won't make a difference. 对共和党来说 好消息是30岁以下的人 只有6个人会去投票 所以也无所谓了
Weird day for sports in Baltimore.This was weird. 巴尔的摩今天的体育比赛很怪 很怪的一件事
Today the Orioles and the White Sox played their game in front of a completely empty stadium. 今天 金莺对和白袜队要在空旷的体育场内打比赛
It was the first major sporting even to be played for an empty stadium, 这是首个在空旷体育场内举行的重大体育赛事 
unless you count every professional soccer game in America.See the problem there. 除非你算上美国所有的足球比赛 似乎是有问题
People mad about that one.I forgot it's soccer night at the show. 大家好不开心啊 我忘记今晚是足球之夜了
We have a lot of fans.You're not passing judgment.You're just passing on information.Exactly,yeah. 很多足球迷在场 你并没有指责什么 只是陈述事实而已 是啊
Tomorrow,tomorrow is the start of the NFL draft. 明天是美国橄榄球联盟选秀的开始
This year it will be simulcast on ESPN and court TV. 今年将同时在娱乐体育节目电视网和法庭频道播出
I don't know if anyone here got the new apple watch. 不知道在座是否有人有买新的苹果手表
People are complaining the new apple watch doesn't work as well for anyone with a tattoo on their wrist. 大家在抱怨新款苹果手表 对手腕上有纹身的人来说不太方便
Yeah,so tattoo on your wrist or apple watch,you have to choose which way you want to be a douche bag. 那么 要么是手腕上有纹身 要么戴苹果手表 你得选择要以什么样的方式做个二货
It's your choice.Is what I'm sawing.you decide. 选择权在你 我就是这个意思 你来决定
Hold on.I'm getting a call.Hold on.Great if I said that and I was wearing one. 等等 有人打电话来了 等等 如果我戴着这么说就好玩了
All douche bags.So hold on a second. 你们这群二货 等等