
 Ford is in the news,Ford has recalled almost 600,000 vehicles for steering problems. 福特上了新闻 福特召回近60万辆有驾驶问题的汽车

Yes.Owner being told to bring their cars in as close to the dealership as they can get it. 是的 车主被要求尽可能把车开到靠近代理商的地方
Hello,hello,hello?I'm going to be a little late,I'm telling ya! 喂 喂 喂 我得晚一会儿了
Taco bell in the news,that's right,taco bell is,settle down. 塔可钟上了新闻 没错 塔可钟 别激动啊
I don't have any for you.Ahh,we thought talk show is where you got taco bell.What a rip off! 我又没带吃的来 我们以为脱口秀能发塔可钟吃呢 真是骗人不浅
It's not a bad idea.No,it really isn't. 这主意不算坏啊 是啊
Taco bell is following up its doritos tacos with new taco shells made of Fritos.yes,yes. 塔可钟继立体脆玉米饼之后 又将推出菲多利玉米饼 没错
It's all part of taco bell's new slogan,working our way down the stuff you find next 7 eleven cash register. 这是塔可钟新口号的一部分 一点点把便利的常见商品收录进来
They're going to have,no,it's true.They're going to have those yummy condom tacos. 他们要 真的啊 接下来要推出可口的安全套玉米饼了
Big lighter quesadilla.I want the slim-jim quesadilla. 打火机油炸玉米饼 S号油炸玉米饼
My watch just gave me another breath mint.My lolly App. 我的手表又给了我一颗薄荷糖 我的棒棒糖应用软件
I wish there was a lolly App.see,that's the weather.oh,yeah,lolly App. 有那个还好了 天气 棒棒糖