
 I had a feeling.I could tell by the look on your face. 我感觉到了 我从你脸上的表情看出来了

So I decide when I'm going to do is I will just turn the volume down and then I will go to sleep. 于是我决定调低声音 然后睡觉
So I press volume on the TV and I can see the little nozzle go to zero on the wall unit thing but I can still hear it. 于是我按了电视的音量键 我能看到壁橱电视上的小圆标变成了零 但是我还能听见
And I'm like what is going on?What the hell is happening? 我心想怎么回事 发生了什么
And then I remember that the night before,I had gone out to my backyard with a glass of wine and listened to the music. 然后我记起了前一晚 我拿着红酒去了后院 听了音乐
Then I realized for the last hour I had been blasting a porno out of my outdoor speakers. 然后我意识到了 过去的一小时里 我一直在我的户外音响上放毛片
I remember that day.all the way down into the San Fernando Valley. 我记得那天 传遍了整个圣费尔南多谷
This's one o'clockin the afternoon,mind you. 这是下午一点 提醒你们一下
Kids are riding bike around.People are walking their dogs. 孩子们在周围骑着自行车 人们在遛狗
It was terrible.I moved shortly thereafter.You had to. 太糟糕了 之后我很快就搬了 你不得不搬
Good God!All right.My apologies.That's why you won't get your picture taken with Tom? 天啊 好吧 我要道歉 这就是你不和托马斯·列农拍照的原因吗
oh,ok,that's why.All right.You never know what's going to happen.You never know. 对 好吧 这就是原因 好吧 你永远不知道会发生什么 你永远不知道
Let's take a break.Much more with Matthew Perry after this.Stick around. 我们休息一下 稍后继续采访马修·派瑞 别走开
We're back here with Matthew Perry.Now,you tweeted recently about going to the gym. 我们回来了 这是马修·派瑞 你最近发推说了去健身房的事
Are you a gym rat?Are you one of those guys that goes to the gym often? 你是个健身狂魔吗 你是那种经常去健身房的人吗
I'm not a gym rat.I went to the gym for the first time in a couple of years and I can't move. 我不是健身狂魔 我这几年来第一次去了健身房 然后我动不了
Right,right.I can't move.Really?I don't understand the gym.I don't understand the point of the gym. 对 对 我动不了 真的吗 我不了解健身房 我不知道健身房的意义
Weights to me seem like they're very heavy. 哑铃在我看来非常沉