
 Weirdly,I never had any problems with bullies in school.Lacrosse players and football players were nice to me in school. 奇怪的是 在学校没有恶霸欺负我 学校的长曲棍球手和橄榄球员对我都很好

But when I went to art camp,I got bullied at arts camp,which 但是我去艺术夏令营时 我在那里被欺负了 那不该的
No one get bullied at arts camp.Not true.One guy in particular, 没人在艺术夏令营被欺负 不是的 特别是一个人
This little guy,who is probably like 4'3,his name was Jared and he was,he played magic the gathering. 一个小矮子 大概1米29 他叫杰瑞德 他玩万智牌
He was a violist.So even in the world of string instruments,that's a nerd. 他是个中提琴手 就算在弦乐器的世界里 那也算是个书呆
Violist is just like want to be violinist.He wasn't even cool in the ork extra. 中提琴手就是想成为小提琴手的人 他在管弦乐队里都不算酷
And he was a ceramics enthusiast,so he was like a nerd in every conceivable way you could be a nerd.He's like the James Franco of nerds.Right. 他是个陶瓷爱好者 所以他在各方面都是个书呆 像是书呆中的詹姆斯·佛兰科 嗯
And he would bully me.He would like kick me and call me names.He would be like,all right,got to go finish my vase for the kill and or whatever. 他会欺负我 他会踢我 骂我 他会说 好了 我得完成花瓶了 之后好杀人
Why would you put up with that?Fight back.I think he is confidence.I couldn't. 你为什么要忍受啊 反抗啊 我觉得他很自信 我不能
He was so confident.He had no cause for confident but he had limitless supplies. 他非常自信 他没有自信的原因 但他相当自信
So he would literally go after me and then be like,all right,time to play Schubert or whatever. 所以他会欺负我 然后说 好了 该演奏舒伯特了
That's how every bully should finish their beating.what were you like in high school? 每个恶霸都该这样结束欺凌 你高中时是什么样子
I was pretty much like this,but I was 30 pounds lighter.Oh,my god.Yeah,like picture like a claimation giraffe. 跟现在差不多 但是轻30磅 天啊 是啊 像是泥塑动画里的长颈鹿