
 There are reports that Leonardo Dicaprio has joined tinder. 据报道 列奥纳多·迪卡普里奥使用了陌陌

He said the app works almost as well as his old method,going up to any woman and saying,Hi,I'm Leonardo Dicaprio. 他说这款应用软件跟他以前泡妞的办法几乎一样好 就是对任何女人自我介绍说 我是列奥纳多·迪卡普里奥
Let's do this.Let's do this now.That's probably even more than what he does.He probably goes-you.Yeah. 我们来一炮吧 这就来吧 或许这都有点多余了 他大概就 你 嗯
That's what I do when I'm out in the town.I'm like you,come here.And they're like who are you? 我出去玩时就这么做 我就说 你 过来 对方说 你是谁啊
Over the weekend here in Los Angeles,Justin BIeber crashed a high school prom. 周末期间 洛杉矶 贾斯汀·比伯突然出现在一所高中的舞会上
Not only that,he won homecoming queen.That's a true story.Cuckoo,cuckoo. 不仅如此 他还赢得了返校节王后的名号 真的 布谷 布谷
That cuckoo clock won't go away,Andy! 那台布谷钟就是不肯走开 安迪
One thing I find,I watch a lot of television.It's better than talking to my kids. 我经常看电视 比跟孩子聊天好玩多了
That's emotionally complicated.It's easy.I just stare and it happens.Your kids are pretty dull.Worse thing ever. 那是多么需要情商的事啊 这更简单 我就看着就行了 你的孩子挺无聊的 简直糟糕透顶
Now one thing I find helpful when I'm watching TV is that little info button on the cable romote. 我看电视时 有样东西很好用 就是遥控器的信息键
You know the one I'm talking about,you push it and it brings up the screen that tells you what you need to know about the show you're watching. 大家知道的 按下键 会出现屏幕 显示关于你正在收看的节目的信息
Which is helpful because there are 100,000 shows out there.You want to know what the hell is going on,right? 这很有用 现在的节目太多了 你想了解究竟在看什么
So I thought we should look at info buttons result in a piece we call what am I watching? 所以我想跟大家一起看看一些信息键内容 这一节就叫做 我在看什么