
 Let's talk about it.Cause obviously things have changed a lot since we were kids. 我们来谈谈这事 显然现在和我们小时候大不一样了

No cell phones.Do you think it's harder to discipline kids these days? 那时没手机 你觉得现在更难管教小孩了吗
Oh,Definitely.I mean you know,I came up in one of those neighborhoods where everybody could beat the kid,you know. 当然了 在我成长的那个区域 所有人都可以打小孩
If you got in any kind of trouble,anybody in the neighborhood could give you a whooping.I mean, 要是你惹上什么麻烦 那个社区的任何人都能打你一顿 我的意思是
It was allowed.It was customary.I mean,I got,we moved into a neighborhood. 那是允许的 那很正常 我们搬到了某个社区
I got a beating for taking the for sale sign out of our own yard. 我因为搬走了自家院子里的出售标志牌而被打了一顿
You know,From a stranger?From a lady.What are you doing?You don't know these people.I am these people.Pop,Pop! 你知道吗 陌生人打的 一个女士打的 她说你在干嘛 你又不认识屋主 我说我就是屋主 啪啪 她就打我
Was she hitting you with the sign?No,I was holding the sign away from her,so she wouldn't beat me with sign.She was spanking with her hand. 她在用牌子打你吗 不 我把牌子举得远远的 这样她就不能用牌子打我了 他在用手打我屁股
Those were different times.she was older.I was like ma'am,you're killing me. 时代不同 她年龄比较大 我假装说 女士 疼死了
Totally different times.Now my kids,my son,you know,our parents used to have a look,conan. 时代完全不同 现在我的孩子 我的儿子 我们的父母以前会瞪眼 柯南
Like if you were cutting up,my mother could give me a look and I would know to shut it down. 如果你在插科打诨 我妈妈会瞪我一眼 我就知道该收敛了
Now it's nothing.I tried to do my son like that the other day.I'm giving him the look. 但现在没用了 我有天也想这样对付我儿子 我瞪着他
He's not looking at me.I had to text him,hey,look at me. 他没看我 我必须给他发短信 喂 看着我
Look up.Look up,I'm trying to give you the look,son.come on. 抬头 抬头 我在瞪你呢 儿子 拜托