
 You,you talk a lot about hard work and passion. 你说了很多努力工作和激情的事

Rumor has it,I have done my research,you partied so hard the night before your graduation that you missed it.True or false? 据传言 我做过功课 你毕业前夕狂欢得太厉害 导致你错过了毕业 真的还是假的
This is true.I actually.Well,I think we're done.I think we're done.Goodbye,everybody. 是真的 我实际上 我觉得我们说够了 我们结束了 再见各位
Yeah,I had.How dare you come here and lecture America.Awkward situation. 我有过 你怎么敢来教育美国人民 真尴尬
I had to give a commencement speech.And I was thinking myself how can I bond with the students? 我得进行毕业典礼致辞 我想着 要怎么跟学生们产生共鸣
And I thought what it meant honestly,I had miss my commencement. 然后我想着要坦白承认 我错过了我的毕业典礼
What happened,the night before.I was very sad to be leaving college.I had a relly fantastic time. 前一晚发生的事是 我要离开大学了 我很难过 我度过了一段很棒的时光
I made great friends.And we stayed up late reminiscing and probably imbibing more than we should. 结交了很棒的朋友 我们熬夜到很晚 回忆过去 也许喝了太多酒
Honestly,I slept clean through it.How late did you sleep till? 说真的 我直接睡过去了 你睡到了几点
I don't know if I should say this on television.I slept until noon at least. 我不知道我该不该在电视上说 至少到了中午
The way it worked,the way it worked at Yale,there was a big congratulation ceremony in the morning with the university and class day speakers. 在耶鲁是这样的 早上会举办大型庆祝仪式 有校方致辞人 有毕业纪念日致辞人
The person I was,later on.I missed all of that completely. 之后那个人就是我 我完全错过了那一切
You got drunk,slept through the class day speaker,but later on was invited to be the class day speaker. 你喝醉了 睡过了毕业纪念日演讲 但是之后被邀请做毕业纪念日演讲致辞人
Read my book and follow me.Do what I say,don't do what I do. 去看我的书 粉我 做我说过的事 不要做我做过的事
But I did make it to my degree.I did get my degree,which was in the afternoon.I will not question. 但我的确拿到了学历 我拿到了学历 那是在下午 我不会质疑