
 A servileance camera at an Idaho high school appears to have caught evidence of a ghost. 爱达荷州一所高中的监控摄像头似乎拍下了鬼

Later,officials examined the milky white image and concluded it was just another resident of Idaho. 稍后 官方检查了乳白色的图像 得出结论称 不过是一位普通的爱达荷州居民
That's Steve.This is crazy.This never happens anymore.This is a strange story. 是史蒂夫啊 疯狂的消息 前所未闻 奇怪的消息
On Monday,a Delta flight from Cleveland to New York took off with just two passengers. 周一 一架从克利夫兰飞往纽约的西北航空飞机载着两名乘客就起飞了
Two passengers on the whole plane.Yet somehow they spent the whole flight fighting over the arm rest.As if they wouldn't sit together,but they did. 整架飞机只有两名乘客 但他们一路上却都在为扶手打架 按理说他们不会坐在一起呢 但偏偏就坐一起了
everyone's ok,everyone's ok.But instead of sending his kid to school with his lunch,a man sent him to school with 18,000 dollars worth of drugs and knives. 人都没事 但一名男子送孩子去学校的时候给他带的不是午饭 而是价值18,000美元的毒品和刀
The kid was 3 years old,sent to him school with drugs and knives. 孩子才3岁 给他拿了一堆毒品和刀就送他去学校了
The man is in jail and the 3 year old has cornerd the cookie and juice market. 男子被送入监狱 他3岁的儿子压制了饼干饮料的销售
Don't mess with that kid.He will cut your face. 别惹那孩子啊 他会砍伤你的脸
Weird story,a man who fell overboard off a royal Caribbean cruise ship was rescued hours later by a Disney cruise ship. 奇怪的新闻 一名男子从一艘皇家加勒比邮轮上坠海 几小时后 他被一艘迪士尼的游轮救了起来
The Disney ship was playing the "Frozen" Soundtrack,so he immediately jumped back overboard. 迪士尼船上在播放《冰雪奇缘》的原声碟 所以他立刻又跳海了
He's dead.I don't know why you're that happy.He died in the frigid waters. 他都死了 真不知道你们为什么这么开心 他死在冰冷的水里