
 Over the past weekend,I was watching television, 上个周末 我在看电视

and I saw that usher ad.Have you seen the usher ad.where he's dancing with the honey nut Cheerios bee? 结果我看到了亚瑟小子的广告 大家看过吗 他跟蜂蜜燕麦圈的蜜蜂跳舞
Yes,he's dancing with the honey nut Cheerios bee. 没错 他在跟蜂蜜燕麦圈的蜜蜂跳舞
And apparently,there is a reason for it,apparently usher released his latest single exclusively in boxes of honey nut Cheerios. 显然 这事是有来由的 亚瑟小子这次的新专辑只放在蜂蜜燕麦圈的盒子里销售
Yes,that's what he's doing.Now,I always thought usher seems like a cool guy,ok. 他这么干了 我一直觉得亚瑟小子这人看上去挺酷的
If he is releasing his new material in cereal boxes,maybe I should try something like that,you know. 如果他要把自己的新专辑放在燕麦盒里出售 或许我也该试试这个办法
Starting right now.If you hurry,you can get a copy of tonight's final monologue joke 现在开始 如果大家抓紧 能买到今晚独白一节里最后一个段子
in every industial sized can of denty Moore beef stew.Andy,what's the joke for tonight? 会装在每一罐工业罐装丹提·莫尔炖牛肉里 安迪 今晚的段子是什么
Come on.where is the joke?Things like beef stew eats paper. 赶紧的啊 段子呢 炖牛肉似乎吃纸呢
Ok,here we go.this is a good one. 好了 这个不错
In China,in china.I'm reading this through cold beef. 在中国 纸上都是凉凉的牛肉
In china,a woman caought off her husband's penis after she found out he was cheating 在中国 一名女子切下了丈夫的老二 因为她发现他在偷腥
and then after it was sewn back on,she went to the hospital and cut if off again. 在他把老二缝回去之后 她去了医院 再次给他砍掉了
Yeah,that's a true story,yeah.It just goes to show you two wangs don't make a right. 是的 真事啊 充分说明 两个王也不对