
 That's where he went those three days. 原来他那三天去那里了啊

Now,we just got our Christmas tree,but due to the drought,it's plastic. 我们刚刚买来圣诞树 但因为干旱 树是塑料的
It’s like my tree has the same surgeon as Bruce Jenner. 真希望我的树跟布鲁斯·詹纳用一个整形医师
True story,our office holiday party is tonight.We're having our office holiday party tonight. 真事 我们的公司节日派对就在今晚 我们今晚要举行公司节日派对
Just like last year,I'm going to get drunk,make a fool of myself and then go to the office holiday party. 就像去年一样 我要喝个大醉 出尽洋相 然后再去参加公司节日派对
No,no.No,if you saw it,you would be horrified.It's like a bass of belly up here. 不了 如果你们真看到会吓尿的 这里像鱼肚子一样
Let's do something fun,ladies and gentlemen.cause I'm a big believer in fun.That's my philosophy. 我们做点好玩的事吧 因为我最相信玩乐了 那是我的人生哲学
You know,back in the day,a long time ago,before your time,before my time,there was a TV game show. 想当初 很久以前 你们还没出生时 我还没出生时 有一档电视竞猜游戏
It was called "name that tune".Ok,I looked it up on youtube.It's really cool. 叫做《辩声识曲》 我在油管上看了 真的很有趣
It's a show where contestants had to guess the titles of popular songs played by a live band.Fun,right?We have an amazing band. 这档节目中 选手们要猜现场乐队演奏的流行歌曲的曲名 很有趣吧 我们这里有支很棒的乐队
Since it's the holiday season,I thought we could play a holiday version of "Name that tune" with our audience.would that be fun? 现在是节假日 我觉得玩一会儿节日版的《辩声识曲》会很有趣 就跟现场观众玩 有趣吧
I think so,yeah.Unfortunately,unfortunately if we use famous songs,we get charged a lot of money for playing them on TV. 我觉得会有趣的 可惜 如果我们用名曲 我们要因为在电视上播放而付大笔的钱
I don't want to spill a lot of cash,so we figured if we play our own songs that sort of sound like big hit,We save a ton. 我不想花太多钱 所以我们决定演奏类似热曲的自己改编的曲目 这样能大大省钱
So let's play a special holiday edition of something we call "Basic cable name that tune". 所以我们来玩一会儿节日特别版的 "有线乐队辩声识曲"吧