
 35 dollars for peanut butter? I got 1.23 dollar Jiffy inside. 破花生酱要收我35美元 我家有1.23美元的杰菲花生酱

Then he tells me it's 75 dollars per possum that he removes. 没除掉一只负鼠要收我75美元
Where are you taking the possum? 你要把负鼠送去哪里
He says I drive them 35 miles away,I let them go in Malibu. 他说 我开到35英里之外 在马布里放生
I don't believe a word this guy is telling me. 我才不要相信那家伙的话呢
I think he goes down the block,let's it out. 我觉得他会走到街口就把它放掉
He is making 75 dollars on the same possum.I said,do you think I'm dumb? 然后靠这同一只负鼠再赚75美元 我说 你以为我傻啊
First one we catch,I spray paint it.I'm pegging the possum. 抓到第一只之后 我要给它喷漆 我要追溯这只负鼠
The guy came over,I have never seen a blue one before. 那家伙过来说 我以前没见过蓝色的负鼠
I say yeah,If I see it again,we're going to have a problem.Now take the thing to Malibu. 我说 对 如果我再见到它 我可不会放过你 把它送到马里布去吧
I don't know if you people ever had like a trap in your yard. 不知道你们家院子里有没有陷阱
It brings excitement to the house. 陷阱会给家里带来刺激
A few hours,me and my wife were going to the window.Did we catch anything out there? 几小时后 我和老婆走到窗前 我们抓到什么了吗