
 Well,I've always exercised.The whole secret is you got keep moving.Keep moving. 我一直锻炼 诀窍在于 你不能停下 不能停下

The publisher asked me to write a book about being old.I said it's very simple,keep moving. 出版商让我写一本身为老年人的书 我说这很简单 不停地动弹
Did you work out them,You worked out through every stage?Right. 你在人生的每个阶段都会健身 对
My motivation changed over the years. 多年来 我的动机一直在变
In my 30's,I worked out to look good.I my fifties,I did it to stay fit. 30岁时 我健身是为了有型 50岁时是为了保持健康
In my 70's I did it to stay ambulatory.Now I do it to avoid assisted living. 70岁时是为了无需卧床 而现在是为了生活自理
But it's very important.Anybody who's getting up there,keep moving. 但这很重要 所有在变老的人都要不停地运动
You know,what amazing to me is that I've always thought you had one of the best faces in the business. 你知道让我吃惊的是 我一直认为 你是演艺圈中最英俊的男演员之一
Just such a great comedic face and so alive.Then I'm told at a point in your career you were told you should get worked on,is that right? 你有一张喜剧面孔 十分生动 我听说在你的职业生涯中 有人告诉你去整容 是吗
I went to England to do "Chitty,chitty bang-bang".On the first day of the set I see the director motioning to the makeup guy 我当时去英国出演《飞天万能车》 当我第一天到片场的时候 导演对化妆师提过
and I overheard him say what are you going to do about the hooter?Oh,that's the hooter. 我不小心听到 你打算怎么处理那个痞子 那就是痞子
Hooter,the meaning changed over time.That's right.Back then,I heard him say,I'm not a plastic surgeon. 痞子 多年来词义发生了变化 对 当时我听到他说 不又不是整形医师
Years later I went to a guy and I said could you take this mole off my nose? 几年后我找到一位医生 我问 你能去掉我鼻子上的这颗痣吗
He said you're established,you can't change it now.So I'm now stuck with it. 他说你已经定型了 除不掉了 我现在要留一辈子了