
 Obviously,you've had many great successes in your career,but you are forever linked with Mary 你的职业生涯中有许多伟大时刻 但你永远与玛丽·泰勒·摩尔联系在一起

and a number of years ago you guys did this photo together and I have to ask you about it. 几年前 你们一起拍了这张照片 我必须问问你
This is not photoshopped.You and Mary Tyler Moore posed for this photograph in those outfits. 这没经过PS 你和玛丽·泰勒·摩尔 穿着这身行头摆拍了这张照片
In a manner of speaking.We did it as a couple of hoboes,which I love,like clowns. 在某种意义上说 我们以流浪汉的形象拍了一张照片 我很喜欢 就像小丑一样
And they said put on this outfit and I said what is this? 他们说穿上这套衣服 我问 这是什么
We were going to do like a motorcycle thing.So I put on the outfit,I'm not kidding. 我们要拍一组机车照 于是我穿上了那套衣服 我没开玩笑
A motorcycle thing?yeah,so I thought we're going to be on a bike or something. 机车照 对 我以为我们要骑摩托车什么的
And what was the lady's name,that famous photographer?I think is Annie Lebovitz.one of the greatest photographers of all time. 那个姑娘叫什么来着 著名摄影师 安妮·莱博维茨 有史以来最伟大的摄影师之一
I'll get you for this Annie.They said just get on your knees a minute.You're so naive. 我会为这事找你的 安妮 他们说 你跪下一会 你好天真哦
At what point does it dawn on you it's not a motorcycle thing?I guess I'm a motorcycle.I'm going to change the oil on the motorcycle. 你什么时候才意识到这不是机车照 我猜我是辆机车 我要给摩托车换机油
I didn't get it till Mary jumped on my back with that whip. 直到玛丽拿着鞭子跳到我背上 我才明白
It seems like Mary knew what was going on.Yeah,Mary knows exactly what's going on. 看样子玛丽知道这是怎么回事 对 玛丽清楚得很
Oh,yeah,she knew.your face looks like I figure it out at one point.taking a long time to bring that motorcycle around. 对 她知道 你的表情像在说 我在某一时刻才搞明白 那辆机车好久还没推来
It will haunt me till the end of my days.Much more with Dick Van Dyke after these messages. 这张照片会纠缠我到入土的那天 稍稍休息 继续采访迪克·范·戴克