
 We are back.I'm sitting here with the legendary Dick Van Dyke. 欢迎回来 我身边这位是传奇人物迪克·范·戴克

You had a bit of a scare,a while ago. 你一段时间之前受了点惊吓
Not too long ago you were driving your jaguar right here in Los Angeles on the highway and it burst into flames. 在不就前 你在洛杉矶的高速公路上 开着你的捷豹 结果它着火了
I love the reaction.Isn't funny when your car burst into flames? 我喜欢你的反应 你的车突然着火难道不搞笑吗
Your car burst into flames and this is kind of a scary,this is a scary thing. 车突然着火 这事很吓人
I mean,first of all,you weren't injured in anyway,were you? 首先 你毫发未伤 对吧
No,a guy stopped.A real hero.But is caught on fire and I saw flames 对 有个人停下了车 他是个真英雄 但车着火了 我看到了火苗
You're driving the car,right?You saw smoke first?what happened? 你当时在开车 对吧 你先看到了烟吗 发生了什么
No,it started bumping like I have a flat tire. 车刚开始就像爆胎一样颠簸 
I pull over then I saw smoke coming out of the thing and then flames,so I started to pick up my stuff. 我靠边停车 看到有烟从车里冒出 然后开始着火 我开始收拾我的东西
I had some CD and things.All the guy saw.What are you talking about? 我车里放了CD什么的 他们只看到 你扯什么呢
You could have replaced the CDs.I'll get you another josh Groban.You don't need, CD可以重新买啊 我再送你张乔诗·葛洛班的唱片 你不必
But the guy,all the guy saw was an old guy bent over.He thought he's out. 他只看到一个老头俯下身去 他以为我晕倒了
And they got to the car before I could get my stuff. 他在我收拾完之前赶到了车边