
 That's nice.Nice way to start the day or late night. 真不错 这样开始一天或深夜不错啊

Because it's very late at night right now.We don't tape early.Play along. 现在其实是太晚了 我们不会提早录制节目 配合一下嘛
So much to talk about.I really love your movie.They got me a copy of your movie and I watched it. 有很多可聊 我很喜欢你的新片 他们给了我一份 我看过了
I went in not konwing anything and I really loved the story.Cool. 我之前不知道剧情 我很喜欢这个故事 酷
You won essentially the French version of the Oscar for playing this role,which I think is absolutely amazing.Cesar award,right?Yeah. 你因为对这个角色的诠释 赢得了法国版的奥斯卡 我觉得这很棒 凯撒奖 对吗 对
First of all,that's got to be an amazing achievement. 首先 这是一项了不起的成就
You went to the French Oscars,French award show which I think must be very strange. 你去了法国奥斯卡颁奖礼 法国的颁奖礼 我想那感觉一定很奇怪
I watched some of it and the whole thing is in French,as it should be. 因为我看了一点 整个颁奖礼说的都是法语 本来也应该这样
And I wouldn't known what the hell was going on.How did you even know what was happening? 我都不知道发生了什么 你怎么知道你获奖的
Yeah,I went into a meditative state for that period of time. 是的 那段时间我基本上入定了
It was really long,4 1/2 hour show or something and they don't have advertisements or commercials in France the way we do 那颁奖礼很长 大概有四个半小时吧 而且法国和我们不同 他们不会进广告
So we didn't even get to take a break and chat and go to the bathroom and get a drink.That usually happens. 所以我们没机会休息 聊天 去洗手间 或者喝酒 通常在颁奖礼大家会这样
Award shows in America what people watching at home don't realize whenever you go to a commercial,all of the celebrities run all of the room and start drinking like fish. 在家的观众对美国颁奖礼不了解的一点是 每当进广告时 所有明星都离开大厅 像鱼一样大口喝酒
And then they all rush back in and sit there.Out of their minds.But really happy.Yeah,really happy. 然后他们鱼贯而入 坐在那里 全都晕乎乎的 但是非常高兴 对 非常高兴