
 We're back,I'm sitting here with Edward Norton. 我们回来了 这位是爱德华·诺顿

I hear that you are working on a HBO mini series about Lewis and Clark, 我听说你在忙着HBO的迷你短剧《路易斯和克拉克》
and you're working on it with Brad Pitt,is that correct? 是和布拉德·皮特一起合作 是吗
Yeah,that's right.When we were making "Fight club",Brad and I realized we had a mutual fascination with the Lewis and Clark story. 没错 我们在制作《搏击俱乐部》时 布拉德和我意识到我们都很喜欢
There is a great book by Stephen Ambrose called "Undaunted courage," 史蒂芬·安布罗斯写了一本很棒的书《勇敢者之旅》
And we had people come at us about the idea of playing Lewis and Clark, 有人来找我 扮演路易斯和卡拉卡
and we both agreed it's too epic a story to put into a single film.So we got the rights to that book, 我们都觉得这故事太经典没法浓缩进一部电影中 我们获得了那本书的版权
and this was right when HBO was starting to do such a great job with their long form things like "Band of brothers",and stuff like that. 这么做很对 当HBO开始制作长版《兄弟连》之类 这样的作品时
So we set it up to make a multiipart mini series about the Lewis and Clark expedition. 我们计划要制作几集的 有关路易斯和克拉克远征的迷你剧
It's taken a long time getting it all together,but we finally are ready and starting to shoot it this summer. 用了很长时间才让一切走上正轨 但我们终于准备就绪 今年夏天开拍
Have you cast it?Yes,Casey Affleck is playing Lewis and terrific Belgian actor is playing Clark. 你们选卡司了吗 是的 卡西·阿弗莱克将扮演路易斯 非常棒的比利时演员扮演克拉克
It's very exciting.We have been at it for many years trying to put this together and finally getting it going. 非常激动人心 我们已经忙碌多年了 想要一切走上正轨 终于成功了
Andy and I are available if there are small parts. 如果还有龙套角色 安迪和我都很空