
 Speanking of projects I can't run,you have a Netflix documentary you're here to talk about,called "My Own Man". 说到我没法毁的计划 你这次来要谈谈新网飞纪录片《我做主》

And it's,the filmmaker is in a search to define his manhood,is that fair to say? 制作者是想要寻找自己的男子气概 这么说合适吗
yeah,this is a documentary filmmaker I produced two of his films.He's a terrific,terrific fimmaker. 是的 这位纪录片制作人 我制作过他两部电影 他是个非常非常棒的制作人
This film is unlike,it really is unlike almost anything I have seen in the sense,it took him over seven years to make this film. 这部电影不像是任何 我看过的 这花费了他7年的时间来制作这部电影
It's his own investigation of how he felt about having a son, 这是他自己去研究有儿子的感受
and why he felt not as connected to his own manhood and adulthood as he wanted to. 还有为什么感觉没那么和他自己想拥有的男子气概 成年感觉有所联系
And it led him into an exploration of trying to connect with masculinity more,but also into looking more at his own relationship with his father. 这带领他去探索 尝试得到更多的男子气概 同时也要去探索他和父亲的关系
And I think for me,we showed this film at the Tribeca film festival. 我觉得对我来说 我们在翠贝卡电影节上播出了这部电影
I don't think I have ever been involved in a dramatic film where people were crying this hard at the end of the film. 我觉得我从没参与过一部大家在电影结束时哭得一塌糊涂的电影
It's an incredibly funny and touching and emotional film that touches on many of the some things I think even the great literature like "Death of a Saleman",and other things touch on. 真的非常有意思很感人 我觉得这致敬了许多东西 甚至是许多伟大的文学作品 比如《推销员之死》 还有其他的
And I think we talked about "Fight club",but in the same way "Fight club" has that theme in it about, 我觉得我们刚刚提到了《搏击俱乐部》 但同样的《搏击俱乐部》也 有这样的主题
like men of our generation who don't feel they have completely yet connected with,they haven't actualized themselves as men. 我们这一代的男人感觉他们自己还没有完全成熟 还没有让自己完全变成男人
There's a lot of that in this.I think it's very personal to him,but very topical and universal for a lot of men, 这里面有许多这样的主题 我觉得这对他来说非常私人 但对很多男人来说却很普遍
in terms of how did their fathers,affect their own sense of what whey want to be in the world. 考虑到他们父亲的所作所为 是如何影响他们自己 在这个世界里想要成为什么样的人的想法
We have a clip here from "My Own Man".Anything we need to know for this?No,I think it's pretty self-explanatory.Take a look. 我们这里有一段《我做主》的视频 我们需要了解些什么吗 不我觉得这不需要加以说明 一起看看