
 Yes,great to be here.Great to be drinking again. 能来这里真好 又能喝酒了真好

I had to take a break.That's a nightmare.Not fun. 我的缓一缓 那是一场噩梦 可不好玩
I had to take a break because I went on antibiotics. 我得缓一缓 因为我在吃抗生素
I don't know if you have done that,but you find out how big of a booze bag you really are when you have to go on antibiotics. 我不知道你们吃过没有 但你必须吃抗生素的时候 会发现自己是个大酒鬼
My doctor said hey,you can't drink while you're on these antibiotics. 我医生说 喂 你吃抗生素时不能喝酒
I said,ok,what makes you think that I drink?And he said well,I'm looking at your face. 我说 好吧 你为什么觉得我会喝酒 他说 我看着你的脸
Your big,dumb Irish head gives it away. 你又大又蠢的爱尔兰脑袋出卖了你
I said ok,fine.He goes,yeah,you can't drink for a week. 我说好吧 他说 你一周都不能喝酒
And I said ok.Yeah,like a work week,that will do,right?That's probably monday,wednesday. 我说好吧 像是工作周 那就行了 对吧 大概是周一周三
Is that your week?That's my week to be honest with you.Thursday usually kicks off the weekend. 那是你的一周吗 跟你说实话 这就是我的一周 星期四就开始了周末
He goes you can't go a week without drinking booze?And I said,I don't think so.I don't think so,to be honest with you,no. 他说 你都没法一周不喝酒吗 我说 我觉得不行 说实话 我觉得不行
And he said,that's,that's an issue.We should give you a physical. 他说 那是个问题 该给你做个体检
So I had to do a physical.But you have to fill out a form.Have you ever had to do that.That's a nightmare. 所以我得做体检 但你得填表 你们有没有做过 那真是一场噩梦
On the first question it says,how many drinks do you have a week? 第一个问题是 你一周喝多少酒
Have you seen this?You're laughing because you know. 你们见过吗 你们在笑因为你们知道
How many drinks do you have a week?The first answer is zero to one. 你一周喝多少酒 第一个答案是0到1杯